Natural Fertility and Hatchability of Gobiocypris rarus Embryos under Different Experimental Conditions
摘要: 以中国本土鱼种稀有鮈鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)胚胎为实验生物,研究稀有鮈鲫胚胎在正常光照条件下(温度(26±1)℃,自然光照)和光照周期颠倒条件下(温度(26±1)℃,光照周期为12 h(暗):12 h(光))的96 h自然受精率和孵化率,并在放大倍数为40倍的体视显微镜下观察稀有鮈鲫在胚胎发育过程中的形态发育时序及特征。结果表明,在光照周期颠倒和(26±1)℃条件下,9次重复试验的稀有鮈鲫胚胎自然受精率和孵化率平均值分别为92.2%和92.8%,变异系数(CV)分别为5.65%和6.21%,比正常光照和(26±1)℃条件下稀有鮈鲫胚胎的自然受精率和孵化率更高,为鱼类胚胎试验提供更高质量的胚胎。稀有鮈鲫胚胎的形态发育时序及特征满足胚胎试验观察的需求,可在特定的时间点观察特定表征。Abstract: Two groups of eggs of Gobiocypris rarus (a Chinese native species) were bred for 96 hours at the same controlled water temperature (26℃±1℃) but different illumination conditions (natural vs. reversed photoperiods). Fertilization rate of the eggs and hatching rate in both groups were recorded, and the morphogenetic development sequence and characteristics of Gobiocypris rarus embryos were observed by means of a stereoscopic microscope at 40-fold magnification. It was found that the means of natural fertilization rate and hatching rate of Gobiocypris rarus embryos under a reversed illumination condition from the nature light cycle in nine repeated tests were 92.2% and 92.8% with the coefficient of variation (CV) of 5.65% and 6.21%, respectively, higher than those under normal illumination conditions, implying that embryos of higher quality to meet test requirements for fish embryo testing can be obtained by controlling photoperiod. There was no difference in the morphogenetic development sequence and characteristics of Gobiocypris rarus embryos between the two groups, and therefore, a specific development stage could be achieved at a desired time point to facilitate the testing performance.
Key words:
- Gobiocypris rarus /
- natural fertility /
- hatchability /
- normal illumination /
- illumination cycle reversal
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